Plenary talks

  • A glimpse into the automation & controls powering ASML’s EUV Light Sources - the world’s most important company you’ve never heard of

    The way Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Light is generated is nothing short of amazing: Tin droplets about 30 micrometer in diameter are delivered into a vacuum chamber while an advanced tracking system ensures that two CO2 lasers consistently hit each droplet with sub-micrometer accuracy.

  • Industrial control systems: a retrospective and the road ahead

    It is about half a century since the first microcomputer-based controllers were introduced, and this year we are a quarter of a century into the new millennium. Perhaps the time is ripe to reflect on the development so far of industrial control systems, and to try to predict the future progress.

  • Haptics Anywhere: Enabling Mobile Telepresence

    Haptic devices allow touch-based information transfer between humans and intelligent systems, enabling communication in a salient but private manner that frees other sensory channels. For such devices to be mobile, their physical and computational aspects must be intuitive and unobtrusive.

  • Control challenges toward the adoption of closed-loop anesthesia and therapeutic interventions as standard of care

    In the last decade or so, control engineering has made several strides in healthcare and therapeutic interventions. The most striking and best-known example being the development and certification in a number of countries of hybrid closed-loop control systems of blood glucose for type-1 diabetes. However, the application of closed-loop therapeutic interventions is still rather limited and still not accepted as standard of care.